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Congressional Bills ALERT   


Assembly Member, for AD5,  Joe Patterson (R),

Senator for District 4 which includes El Dorado County, Marie Alavarado-Gill (D)


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AB 665, Author Wendy Carrillo (D) Will allow children as young as 12 to consent to being placed into state funded group homes without parental permission or knowledge. Critics are equating this to "state-sanctioned kidnapping. 

Snuck into legislation ostensibly about extending "mental health" care to lower income California youth, it is a provision that essentially will terminate parental rights. 

Update 7/13/2023 This bill has moved to the SENATE 


AB 957, Author Lori Wilson (D) This bill adds to the Family Code, that in a custody hearing whether biological or not, the courts must take preference for the Gender Affirming Parent or Custodian, and considers refusal or alternative methods to Gender Transition and Affirmation as "child abuse" 

Update 7/13/2023 This bill has moved to the SENATE 



AB1078:  Instructional materials, removing instructional materials, and curriculum diversity. Introduced Assembly Member, Jackson (D) The bill would require the state board to develop by July 1st, 2024, a policy for local educational agencies to follow before removing any instructional material or ceasing to teach any curriculum. Existing law requires the state board to adopt standards, rules and regulations for school library services and authorizes the governing board of a school district to exclude from school libraries all books, publications or papers of sectarian, partisan, or denominational character.   ( this would remove this district control over its policies on instructional or library information or texts) 

Update 7/13/2023 This has moved to the Senate
















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